The Simplest Way to Get More Listings

October 4, 2018

Back from the Cannes & Monaco boat shows so I am finally able to send you this email.

If you need more listings…

If getting listings is a challenge…

If you wish you had a simple way of getting them…

Then here’s a quick story that’ll reveal how you can approach this problem:

During the space race in the 1960s, legend has it, NASA scientists realized that pens could not write in space without gravity. So they spent years and millions of dollars to engineer a pen that could function in space.

Interestingly, the Soviet scientists faced the same problem, too.

But, instead of spending millions to develop a “space pen,” what did they do?

They used a pencil instead.

Now, this is how the story goes, whether it’s true or not I don’t know nor does it really matter. Because my point is this:

Common sense isn’t common practice.

And in my opinion, when it comes to listing boats a common sense approach is all that is needed for you to get more listings.

After all, solutions to problems are often simple. So simple in fact that we overlook them because we expect the answer to be complex.

As Einstein said:

“If I had only one hour to save the world, I would spend fifty-five minutes defining the problem, and only five minutes finding the solution.”

Now, in the last 8 months, my team and I have listed over $20M worth of listings with 10+ million in sales. And I’m not telling you this to brag, no. I’m telling you this because of what I discovered in the process. And that’s this:

If you want to get more listings the solution is SIMPLE.

And to show you how simple it can be, I’ve put together an easy-to-follow, step-by-step method containing 17 simple ways you can get and sell more listings.

This method, which I’ve called “Listing Secrets” will show you:

And to make this as easy as possible for you, I’ve put together the checklists, templates and tools you need to implement the method which has helped me and my team and my clients list millions of dollars worth of yachts, over and over again.

I’ve recorded three video sessions which will walk you through this entire process. (These sessions are over an hour long each.) And in addition to this, I’ll even spend 30 minutes personally helping you apply my proven 17-step listing method.

Bottomline: If you’d like to learn how I get more listings, and how you can do the same thing too, I invite you to try Listing Secrets.

And if for whatever reason you’re not happy with the course you’re covered by my 100% money back guarantee, no questions asked.

Just leave a comment below saying “MORE LISTINGS” and I’ll send you the deets.

Also, I’ll tell you about all the other tips, tricks and secrets I’ve packed into this course to help you more easily, and simply, get more listings, better listings, and how to sell them as fast as possible.

Waiting for your reply…

To Your Success! (Through common sense.)

— Vincent Finetti

P.S. Try a listing strategy from my FREE Listing ebook here.

P.P.S. I’m doing an exclusive virtual Listings & Sales Workshop with a small group next month to go deep in applying my best strategies to your brokerage business.

Would you like to join us? If so, go here and enter your name and email for more details!

P.P.P.S Check out my client results here.

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