Client Results
From Boat & Yacht Sales Professionals

I Highly, Highly, Highly Recommend
“I highly, highly, highly recommend the Yacht Sales Academy training. Over 50 of Denison’s brokers have successfully completed it. Every single one of them received value from taking the training and told me they would vouch for the investment.”

Bob Denison
President, Denison Yacht Sales
I’ve Closed The Most Deals Out of 250 Brokers in 2023!
“I highly recommend taking Vincent’s course if you haven’t already!! I’m now number 5 in my company with over 250 brokers with the most deals closed this year! Hot on the tail of being #3 by Jan 1 2024!”

Paul Ouimette
United Yacht Sales

The Best Sales Training in The Boating Business?
“Last week we had a Sales Seminar. We had over 40 people attending and the overall reaction was ‘Fantastic’. Vincent Finetti was a home run. He’s definitely the best sales trainer in our business.”

Peter Schmidt
Founder and CEO of United Yacht Sales (150+ brokers)
I’ve Got More Listings Than Any Of The 50 Brokers In Our Company!
“I wanted to report that I will have 29 listings online soon. I’ve got 25 online now. I feel it’s because I’ve been following your advice. Not one strategy has brought the listings but a combination of using all your techniques has helped. I’ve got more listings than anyone else in our company now and that’s almost 50 brokers. 27’ to 73’. I wanted to thank you for your continued help.”

Cory Webster
Yacht Broker, Galati Yacht Sales

Sold 7 Boats & Got 4 New Listings Under Lockdown!
“I recently completed the course. I implemented an email strategy that came up in the first call. I sent an email to my list (of just over 5,000) and received over 400 replies. So far (4 weeks later) I have sold 7 boats and secured 4 new listings, far surpassing what I did in the same period last year. And all this has been achieved under lockdown. I full recommend the Yacht Sales Academy and encourage you to implement the strategies shared. I also found the mastermind aspect & connections built with other brokers to be very useful.”

Niall Heaney
GulfStream Boat Sales
Sold 6 Boats in 30 Days & Got 3 Boats Under Contract
“I want to thank you very much for helping me and giving me the advantage to be a part of your last zoom course! I want to let you know that I have sold 6 boats in the last 30 days and have another one closing next week and a survey tomorrow! As well, I have 3 boats under contract and working on some more. Thank you for all of your help! I really appreciate it!

David D. Hunt
Galati Yacht Sales

Closed My First $1,000,000+ Yacht
“Closed my first $1,000,000+ yacht last week and I couldn’t have landed that deal without the skills I learned from Yacht Sales Academy. Thank you Vincent Finetti!”

Gordon Bennett
Yacht Broker, Annapolis Yacht Sales
Recently Sold a €2.5M Yacht
“Special Thanks to Vincent and Yacht Sales Academy! I applied some of the techniques and recently sold a €2,500,000 million yacht. The Yacht Sales Academy Masterclass is a true investment.”

Cedrick Leclerc
Yacht Consultant, Monaco, Breeze Yachting

Sold 3 Boats in 14 Hours
“Sold 3 boats in 14 hours Saturday (thanks to Yacht Sales Academy) – now I’m a little busy delivering them. Thanks again.”

Dale Goodman
Yacht Broker, KMC Marine
I’m Slammed!
“I’m Slammed! Last year, I was selling less than a boat a month, to now, averaging 3 boats a month.”

Eric Brummett
Yacht & Boat Broker, Bob Hodge Marine

Over $15,000,000 In Sales
“Some big, some small, since Vincent and I started talking I’ve done over $15m in sales.”

Ryan Haines
Owner, RKH Yachts
What Brokers Are Saying
About The Yacht Sales Academy
On our coaching session it became apparent that he speaks from experience when it comes to listing and selling high end yachts. He is generous with his time and the information that he provides. I picked up lots of actionable techniques and strategies that I’m confident will lead to increased listings and sales for my business in the coming months.
No matter what stage you are at in your career as a broker, Vincent will be able to provide you with highly valuable and up-to-date information and strategies to allow you to improve your sales results."
I highly recommend this course to any new or seasoned yacht sales professional who wants to understand the current yacht sales atmosphere. This is well worth every bit of the investment. I am enjoying implementing the lessons into my daily practice of moving prospects into owners."
There is no fluff; there is no pressure to sign up for additional training, there is just useful actionable information that will immediately improve the quality of the service you provide."